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Download speed tests won't match


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Hey there,

I will try to make this as short and as appropriate as I can, so:

I've been searchin' all over the internet for the troubleshootin' of my download speed. Well guess what, my download speed is alright (see: http://www.speedtest.net/result/2049869224.png) but the test that BitTorrent makes doesn't really show my actual downloadin' and uploadin' speeds. I have a download speed of 10 MB/s and an upload speed of 0.75 MB/s, but BitTorrent keeps sayin' that my download speed is 3.3 Mb/s and upload is 0.75 Mb/s. Can anybody from the official board of BitTorrent help me solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

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My problem aswell. I have a 1MB uncapped line with afrihost (South Africa). I have done 4 different speed tests (http://www.speedtest.co.za/internet-speed-test.html, http://www.speedtest.net/, http://www.speedtest.net/mini.php and a Broadband speed test that you can download here: http://download.cnet.com/Broadband-Speed-Test/3001-2085_4-10532940.html?spi=91b86a90cce838e9a5645451e30183ce).

All of them say I have an average of 200kb/s upload rate, and 450-690kb/s average download rate, yet I am lucky if I get 50kb/s download rate using bittorrent. Why? I seed all my torrents, and the share ratio of the torrents are above 1.100, so why is it so slow?




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I'm getting a imilar issue, but with mine I have 20MBps down and 2MBps up, and BitTorrent cripples my internet connection each time it is opened. I have tried un/reinstalling BitTorrent, I also tried changing the port, and I even tried uTorrent. None of this works. Any help in getting this resolved would be greatly appreciated!

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Upload Limit: 0.0kB/s (default)

Connections (per-torrent): 70

Max torrents: 60

Upload slots: 34

Connections (global): 800

Max active downloads: 63

Current port: 45682

upload speed is set to unlimited, bandwidth set to Greece, Athens, when I change it it does nothing. I change it and go back into the setup guide and it says Greece, Athens again.



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Your settings are NOT in line with the guides I linked.

You have a max active downloads set HIGHER than the max number of active torrents.

You also have a calculated max number of connection attempts of 4200 with a global connection limit of only 800.

Please re-follow the troubleshooting guide again.

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