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7.8 Stable not updating tracker


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Hi -

Platform: Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2

BitTorrent version:

After migrating from to 7.7.3.? (I no longer have the executable to provide a build level) to, the BitTorrent client no longer updates the tracker after initial contact. I can see my client connected to the tracker and leeching with 0% complete despite completing the download and turning to a seeder. I can stop and restart the torrent which will then successfully update the tracker with proper statistics regarding percent complete (100%), but not statistics for amount uploaded. The same symptoms occurred with 7.7.3, with the move to 7.8 being an effort to avoid the problem.

This is not a concern when the tracker cares little or nothing in regards to ratio, but a huge concern for those trackers that do. I have since reverted back to where updates occur without problem.

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