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Harold Feit

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Posts posted by Harold Feit

  1. if the %appdata% location doesn't match up exactly then that doesn't actually work either.



    First, identify the folder where your previous torrent client stored your torrents, then:


    1. Create a folder called AUTOLOAD on your desktop.
    2. Create a folder called TORRENTS where you want to store your completed torrents to be relocated (for example c:\My Documents\My Torrents\).
    3. In your torrent client, click Options, then click Preferences, then click Directories.  Check the ‘Put new downloads in’ checkbox and point the path to the folder you were using to save your completed torrents with your previous torrent client.
    4. Check the ‘Move .torrents for finished jobs to: checkbox and point the path to the TORRENTS folder.
    5. Check the ‘Automatically load .torrents from’ checkbox and point the path to the AUTOLOAD folder on your desktop.
    6. Find the .torrent for the files you wish to load, which match the files in your completed folder, and move them (not copy) to the AUTOLOAD folder on your desktop.


    You torrent client will automatically load the .torrents from the AUTOLOAD folder into the torrent list. It will find that the matching files are already in the download folder and will check them to make sure they are complete.


    This is the procedure for migrating large groups instead of using a resume.dat file copy like yours.
  2. 1> If you don't specify to remove and delete the .torrent file, that .torrent file will remain.

    2> If they aren't loaded in BitTorrent then the old .torrent files being removed won't affect it.

    You probably deleted the entire contents of %appdata%\bittorrent which would delete the program, its configuration AND all the .torrent files, not just the .torrent files and configuration like you thought it would.

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