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BitTorrent - Language development


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I downloaded the latest version (7.8) of BitTorrent progranm.

I found some errors in the installer (italian language) and UI (italian).

I'm partecipating also to the uTorrent translation.

I check that BT and UT share many resources but it's quite strange because sometimes have the same errors and sometimes not. Ex.

The initial discailmers is translastaed in UT and untranslated in BT.

UT has some errors in UI under settings and BT doesn't have theese errors (the language files except for program name are identical).

I'd like to help the developer to fix the error and to align the application.

in UT forum I found a "Translation" forum section. Here I didn't find the same section. I propose to open a section for language development.

Could be an idea to make some simple FAQ how to edit/revise/install new language and if the developer will pulish the installer script to fix the currebt error (for italian).


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