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Hello, this is my first post in the forum!

I have a kind of problem: I'm downloading a torrent in a external disk and I want to transfer it to a internal disk. This torrent is in downloading, exactly at 68%.

I know is it possible because I had already did this but I don't find the option; or is unavailable in my version? I use Bittorrent 7.9.2


Thank you for your attention and sorry for any grammatical error, I don't speak english very well. :D


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Thank you!

I proved this option before open this topic, when the torrent were in downloading. I prove now, with the torrent in stop, but the effect is the same: Bittorrent ask me wher I want to download, I set the destination, I click "ok" and is like do nothing. Not an error or message. :huh:

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