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Unexpected end of config file


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i spend yesterday about 2 hours with the Config files. Every time i change something in the auto generated config i get an "Error while parsing config file: Unexpected end of config file (are you missing '}') ?" as an result.


Below i tried to use the config example from the  Developer API page http://www.bittorrent.com/sync/developers/api (this is actually what i need to in use my API key) but even this didn't work.


I have version 1.1.82 ARM.


best regards

pi@raspberrypi:~$ cat b3.cfg {    // path to folder where Sync will store its internal data,    // folder must exist on disk    "storage_path" : "/home/pi/.SyncAPI",    // run Sync in GUI-less mode    "use_gui" : false,    "webui" : {        // IP address and port to access HTTP API        "listen" : "",        // login and password for HTTP basic authentication        // authentication is optional, but it's recommended to use some        // secret values unique for each Sync installation        "login" : "api",        "password" : "secret",        // replace xxx with API key received from BitTorrent        "api_key" : "xxx"    }}pi@raspberrypi:~$ ./btsync --config b3.cfg Error while parsing config file: Unexpected end of config file (are you missing '}') ?pi@raspberrypi:~$
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