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How The Technology Behind Bleep Could Change The Internet As We Know It


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So I've been playing with Bleep since yesterday, and basically what it does now
is establish connection between 2 peers and exchange text messages.


It doesn't sound like much, but think of the potential.

What if the technology behind bleep came available as a library,

allowing peers to connect without a server and exchange messages.

Not just text messages, but binary messages. 


We could then exchange messages in any format between peers.

Json, Xml, Protocol Buffers, etc...


It would effectively become a message queue to compete (or work together)
with solutions such as ZeroMQ and RabbitMQ. (BittorrentQueue ???)


Imagine P2P RPC where a "client" could find and connect to the "server"
(which obviously are just peers in this context) and start interacting with it.

And from here it would be a small step to support other models as well

1:n, n:1, n:n, etc...


It would solve so many problems we face today, and completely revolutionize

the way we exchange messages today and you guys (Bittorrent) have the power to make it happen.


What do you think,

is that something that might be considered and if so, where do I sign up! 






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What if the technology behind bleep came available as a library,

allowing peers to connect without a server and exchange messages.

@delegatevoid, Have you read the information on Bleep on the BitTorrent Blog?

The idea behind Bleep is two fold - 1) an engine, 2) a user interface - the "Bleep" application is actually just a "front-end" to the engine:

"The engine for Bleep has been built to serve as the back-end to any chat and voice application, offering the potential to change how people all around the world communicate." [Source]

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Hah! I had not read that... and now I just wet myself a little :-)

If they push it through that will be great... hell, we have an existing collaboration tool,

basically the current Bleep software on steroids that could use it right away.


Thnx for the link!


It does seem it's currently focused on Voice and Text messages,

at least that's what I see when I reference the assemblies.

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