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Screen Size Reduction


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Hay glad to be here,,

Has this happened to anyone else I pick a torrent ,click an the aerow pointing down,, the next screen tunes it into a file I can download so at the bottom left of my screen just as soon as the title/torrent stops flashing I click it an this is where its asking where to save an make a copy an to the right it has 2 or more boxes with files associated with the torrent that if you don't want them down loaded just un tick the box.This is the problem ....I have to go to the bottom of the screen on the right to tick the yes box to move to the next screen BUT THE FRICKIN SCREEN IS TO Fnnnnn big and no way to make it smaller what is going on am I or have I committed a torrent crime an its like Im in movie jail ,can someone help please I just need to know how to reduce the size of the second to the last screen.

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