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I Think The World Needs A Descentralized Forum Platform


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I think that ideas like Bittorrent and Bitcoin were successful to create awareness of new services that people need.


What I dislike about the current state of the internet is that communication between groups of people is still censored. Random moderators on websites can easily ban IPs and to some degree it is useful when the moderator is the right person,  but whats more problematic is the power of left-wing political activists.


When leftists downvote a post or report a website, no matter the content and no matter that the website does not belong to leftists, it immediately shuts down. Very important people get fired for a single word they said at work.  Yes we have IRC, but those conversations are not stored persistantly, can not be found later by others.


I'd be willing to sponsor a crowdfunding project to help create such a platform that is resistant to censorship.


Does anyone think the same ?

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