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Rename Torrect Directory Doesn't Work

Guest Harkonian

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Guest Harkonian

Often I'll get torrents that are directories, rather than single files. There seems to be no way for me to rename the directory that the torrent creates. I can rename the torrent directory by clicking on the torrent name in the BitTorrent list, but when the file is finished downloading and copied to its final directory, it still uses the original directory name. Example:

- I open a torrent with 3 files. The torrent is named "Torrent With Some Name I Want To Change Because I Don't Need Extra SubDirectories Cluttering Everything Up"

- I immediately rename the torrent to "New Videos"

- I label the torrent "New Stuff"

Given the above, and the fact that I've set completed torrent to copy to "My Stuff" the final resting place of the files once the torrent is downloaded _should_ be My Stuff/New Stuff/New Videos. But, it isn't. It's My/Stuff/Torrent With Some Name I Want To Change Because I Don't Need Extra SubDirectories Cluttering Everything Up/.

Am I missing something or is there no way to get rid of the inane directories that some torrents insist on creating?

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