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Problems with permissions/ Bittorrent has apparently disappeared


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I have been running Bittorent for many years on various PCs, but as of today I have a weird problem.

I noticed after the latest Bittorrent upgrade the other day I started getting asked to assume administrator privileges when I want to delete a torrent. That I can deal with, because the dialogue box offers that as an option, but now the application has become invisible, it seems.

By that I mean that by checking on a torrent website I can see that the Bittorent client is actually running on my PC, but associated process no longer appears in Windows Task Manager.

If I click on a torrent file itself  I get a message that I need an app to open it, but when I try to search for the Bittorent executable file cannot be found through the dialogue boxes.

I tried downloading the Bitoirrent installation executable to see what would happen. It told me I couldn't download it to my usual folder because I don't have permission. I was able to save it to another location, but when I double clicked on it, it suddenly vanished, and I got a message that it can't be found and that I may not have the appropriate permission to access the file.

By searching using Windows Explorer I found a number of instances of bitorrentie.exe, but they appear to be associated with past upgrades, In any case nothing happens when I click on them.

I have been using Bittorrent for many years, so I can only assume this is some kind of bug associated with the upgrade.
I have been using PCs since they were still called microcomputers, and have never seen the like before, so I hope someone can help me figure out what is going on. I know permissions problems can be gnarly to disentangle.
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One more bit of strangeness -- I remembered that you can right click and run exe files as an Administrator. When I tried another download to the same location I was able to download it to before, it wouldn't let me, but I was able to find another location and download it. When I right clicked -- I am a leftie when I use my mouse -- and told it to Run as an Administrator, it told me I didn't have permission and then the downloaded exe file disappeared.

It occurred to me that normally when I have this Administrator prompt, it is for a situation such as trying to download a new version of a file that is open in an application like Word. That would be why I can't download the exe file to somewhere I have already downloaded to and opened -- presumably it is already there and active, though it doesn't show up in Task Manager.

Weirder and weirder!

I am now going to try a reboot of my laptop to see what happens.


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Thanks, but I should have mentioned that   already checked my antivirus apps and it is not on the lists of blocked apps. Alas, since I can now not see the app or exe via Windows, I am unable to add it to the Allowed Apps list.

I guess it is time to switch torrent clients.

BTW, Bittorrent still appears on the list when I bring up the list of apps using Windows Remove Software feature.



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