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ISP Throttling or download problem?


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Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the boards and not THAT computer savvy. Have been a bittorrent, utorrent, azureus user for years and only over the past 2-3 days have I encountered any issues. My download speeds are ALL OVER THE PLACE. I am downloading from thepiratebay.se, using Bittorrent 7.0.1. I am running a MacBook 2.2 GHz dual core processor on OSx 10.6.6. Download speeds are normal from all other sources (linux, apple).

This is what I am getting from Bittorrent:

well, the "attach this file" is not working.. It says "The server returned an error during upload" (the files are 52kb, in jpeg format)

Basically the download speed looks like this




../......\./....\......./..........\ /\

./................\___/.............\________/ \ etc.

Usually I get this:

. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

. /

. /

. /

. /

. /



Sorry for the crude drawings... I hope this conveys sort of what is going on.



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