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General Downloading Issue


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I only started using BitTorrent a few weeks ago, so my issue is most likely user error. However, I have downloaded many torrents successfully prior to my current problem. One of my issues is some of my attempts at downloading torrents begin their downloads and then stop at certain percentages (15.5%, 95.8%), and don't continue, even if I force start them again, stop them, pause them, restart them, or delete all data and re-try downloading them. Normally I would chalk this down to a faulty torrent, but it has happened on the last six or seven things I have tried, and I highly doubt my luck can be so foul. My second and most recent issue is my data per second time. I tried downloading a few torrents with high seed and leach values, thinking this is the best policy, but my torrents are only downloading at 1kbs/s or fewer, obviously making it impossible for the torrent to download...this year...please, any help or tips regarding my situation would be appreciated, as I wish to continue using BitTorrents service. I hope it is just my error/stupidity.

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Guest jputtre

I have the same problem all the time----but frequently I get jncredible speeds frequently I'll get 2 0r 4 kb download speed with 10% downloaded and find myself uploading from the same torrent file at 200kb speeds. It amazes me

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