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Upload Limits and uTP Connections


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Under Preferences, Bandwidth, and Global Upload Rate Limit, I have Bittorrent configured to limit uploads to a certain speed. For whatever reason, the Bittorrent software completely disregards the limit I put it on and uploads at whatever speed it wants to. I searched online, and along with "Apply rate limit to transport overhead" under Global Rate Limits Options, it was suggested that I check "Apply rate limit to uTP Connections". So I did. Problem is, my download speeds go from 2MB/s+ to less than 100kB/s, even though my download limit is set to unlimited under Global Download Rate Limiting.

So I have two questions: why doesn't the Bittorrent software bother to respect the limits that I put on uploads, and why does the software drastically throttle my download speeds when I apply rate limiting to uTP connections even when I have absolutely no limit on download speeds? This seems like a pretty major design flaw. I've tried searching for quite a while now and I've been unable to answer the question and find a solution that works. I would greatly appreciate any help anyone could give (or a recommendation on a torrent client that actually works properly if there is no solution to this problem). Thank you.

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