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Download speed restricted


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Total download speed of torrents have been limited to (average) 15KB/s (i.e. single torrent speed =15KB/s, multiple torrents TOTAL download speed = 15KB/s).

I didn't set any bandwidth limitations and downloads with or without IDM has regular speed,

I tried re-installing the client but still facing the same problem.

Please provide me a solution.

Thanks in advance.


Torrents have enough seeders and checked with number of torrents,

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This is just a longshot suggestion. But when I want to check my DL speed, I'll download some video from Utube as a test.

I use BasicYTD downloader and I get speeds over 600 kb/s with BasicYTD. A test using another downloader of some kind might give you some answers.

I don't use BT7.8, because 7.7 is working fine for me, so why update?

You might also try using the last "working" build of Bit Torrent that worked for you instead of 7.8.1.

There have been 13,000,000 DLs of Bit Torrent and only a handful of members coming to this forum for advice, so BT must work 99.9% of the time.

But when I have troubles(though I haven't had any with 7.7) I just experiment with various builds and other DLing alternatives to see if its my computer or the software or the ISP.

Btw, I don't have a router, so Internet security has never been an issue.

PS If you try YTD you'll be prompted about YTD Plus, just click the red X and bypass it.

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