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Bittorrent (Not Responding), Very Complicated Uninstall, Downloaded Current Version, Installer Won't Install Also (Not Responding)


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I am running windows 7, a few days ago I opened bittorrent repeatedly and it consistently went immediately into (not responding) mode, each time I had to use task manager to stop.  under the advice of this forum and users with similar issue, I uninstalled.  First using the programs and features option of control panel.  Then I downloaded the new bittorrent installer exe file, open its properties, UNBLOCKED it and ran it.  It runs to the last step, and freezes saying, (not responding), this never resolves itself at all, and I end up task manager closing the window and started the process over again.  To no success, I have a dual HD machine, tried on both, no success, Microsoft Security Essentials and it is not interfering, not sure why my torrent stopped working and why the new one won't install on my machine. Help

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  • 3 weeks later...

Also had problems version 7 not responding over a number of weeks.

Uninstalled reinstalled several times, still the same result, starts off ok, then after a few minutes, stops responding.

Cured the problem, downloaded and installed Version 6 (disabled automatic update notification).

Been running three weeks now without a single hicup using XP Pro and Win 7 & 8 (different computers of course). :D Tada!!!!

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