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Forum Is Unreadable, Font Stinks


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You picked a nearly unreadable font for your forum. The topics come up half gray and the characters are so skinny that half the letters have pieces missing. It's like trying to read a faded newspaper underwater in a poorly lit room. Please consider using some common sense, stop being so artsy-fartsy and modernistic, and just use a regular Courier or such type font of a decent width that the verticals on the letters don't fade to nothing on a white screen. Really, it is a migraine headache trying to read your forum. I've had more fun in surgery.

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I'd suggest the issue is with the device you're accessing the forums with, rather than with the forums themselves.


At the bottom of each page in the Forum is a "Change Theme" link - try changing to a different theme that's more to your liking.


The font used in the forums (for the "Simples" and "IP.Board" themes) is Helvetica (with a fall back to Arial)


The font used in the forums (for the "Simples2" theme) is Open Sans (with a fall back to Arial)


If the device you're accessing the forums from doesn't have the above fonts installed, your device will automatically substitute them for what it deems to be a comparable "sans-serif"-style font out of the installed fonts available on your device.

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