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What Does The Different Collumns Tell Me?


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Have you searched in the help file yet? We have lots of acronyms in the information age. The one that applies here is RTFM. And this is said in full realization of the inadequacies and incompleteness of the supplied document. But please hit F1  first and read up on your program's capabilities.

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Have tried, nothing happends. Even gone into the menu and clicked "BitTorrent Help   F1". I know it's available on the nett, but it's not really what I'm asking about I ask what it tells me. As in, are the seeders slacking? Do they have an incredibly low upload rate? Things like that.


Is there any way to see what their quota REALY is, not just what they put into preferences? If so, is it possible to let the upload speed reflect their quota?


I have no idea about what the different acronyms are except for STFU and ROFL, I seldom use acronyms, not a good habit when writing to someone you don't know.

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If one or more of the seeders is at 100% AND is not already committed to uploading other torrents' pieces to others, you have a better chance to get completion on the torrent you're seeking. I have the sneaking suspicion, without any solid experimental evidence, that some trackers may give some sort of preference when managing the traffic to those stations that are seeding at or near their upload capacity. Imagine a traffic cop in the intersection. Longer gate times may be awarded on the basis of the cop's opinion about who should go and who should stop.


As to the local help file, I find that reading and re-reading the glossary section helped quite a bit. I'm not an expert, but it's getting harder and harder to stump me on some topics. your screenshot shows the

BitTorrent User Manual > Appendix A: The BitTorrent Interface > Main Window   Detailed Info Pane  at the peers tab.

the  help page for the pane has a short list of the prominent tabs including peers. clicking that link takes you to a more detailed information page about the information provided in the peers tab for  the selected torrent.

Let us know if you are having trouble navigating around in the help file. Mine took at least 20 seconds to load just now while several torrents are being uploaded rate of over 700. If your help access is slow, you may have other system problems not related to bittorrent itself.


sorry about the scattershot fontage. I pasted one thing and fonts got unmanageable fast. :)

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