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Application Freezes With 13% Cpu Utilization


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I have installed Bit Torrent 7.9.1 and the client is constantly going from running to Not Responding in task manager, showing 12 - 13% CPU utilization constantly.  I have performed a full uninstall/reinstall to no avail.  Torrents will download, albeit slowly as the client keeps freezing. 


Win 7 64 bit Pro PC, 12 GB RAM, i7 CPU. 


Any suggestions?  Known conflicts with other applications or Java? 

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Some people have ended up using bad configuration settings that can be fixed by deleting settings.dat and settings.dat.old from %appdata%\bittorrent.

Additionally, some internet security software is known to cause problems (Norton, McAfee, ZoneAlarm, nvidia's network access manager)

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