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Slow Download Speeds


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I know you probably get loads and loads of of these, but I'm experiencing really slow speeds when downloading torrents. I've tried downloading torrents from slackware, and I get around 7MB down (MegaByte, just to confirm). However, anything else gets me speeds well under 4, normally around 2.5 


I'm with BT on their 76 down package, and my father is on their 38 down package and with the same file, he's getting quicker speeds than me (both speeds are Megabit)


It's really strange and I don't know how to overcome this - any ideas?



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Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the help! It's a pain in the rear end when I'm trying to download Windows 8 at the moment as the microsoft store is also slow for downloading it.


Managed to resolve the problem by port forwarding, so if anyone is also having problems, then I recommend they do the same.

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