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Error System: Cannot Find Specific Path (Writetodisk)


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I cant seem to download anything from my BIt Torrent Client all because it always "System Error: The System cannot find the specified path", I dont know what it means, Im not a Information systems worker But this is getting real annoying and i desperately want to download. So please help me out with this problem...

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I have the same problem since a few days ago.
I had made no changes whatsoever and went through the preferences and set a folder where my downloads always go just in case. It does not work...


It does recognise the torrent and seem to want to download but suddenly it stops and get the same message "Error System: Cannot Find Specific Path (Writetodisk)".

I never had this issue before.


Hope you can help... :)

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That doesn't answer the question asked.

Ok, sorry I did not understand your question.

I also did not understand the problem and I am not literate in the subject.

However I am back to say that I uninstalled the program and reinstalled it and now it works...

No clue of what went wrong.


Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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