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Add New Torrent dialog not appearing


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I am having trouble getting the Add New Torrent dialog to appear. The one that asks what files to DL and where to put them. I have BitTorrent set to auto load torrents in a certain folder but all the other options i left blank. The manual says i can select the option in preferences but the closest thing i could see to that was "Show a window that displays the files inside the torrent in advance mode" which i have ticked.

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Guest ryoki84

Hi there,

I am having the same problem.

I have bittorrent-client version 7.6

Yes, I checked the "show a window that displays..."

After reading lots and lots about the toggle view,

for example here: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=104046

and in our forum here:

I still don't get it.

Yes, I've clicked the "toggleview"-button, but nothing much happens, except that my downloads look different:

Without toggleview I see them organized in folders, with toggleview I see columns, such as "name/size/status/eta" ..

Still, how do I get to where it actually opens the window where I can select which parts I want to download??

Please, could anyone guide me through step by step?? it should be really easy to find, maybe I am just dumb..

THX :lol:

If thinks really don't work out, I'll have to downgrade to version 6.1.2 again...

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Guest jessica

that doesn't make sense. That uploads a file from your computer. it doesn't download a torrent from the internet. I'm having the exact same problem and all I want it to be able to download certain parts of the torrents again. >.<

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Guest jessica

Okay, I'm extremely stupid. I see what you mean now. But I still have a problem. The files aren't showing. If I click Download, yes it'll download them, but they don't show in the first place. =/

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