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Moving Some Torrent Activity To Another Computer


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I will accept blows about the head and shoulders if this is covered elsewhere, but the only item I find in the search leads to a dead link from a couple of years ago.

Problem - I have over 400 torrents active or available to share. Alas, it seems when I get this many torrents, Bittorrent seems to lock up the network after a few days or I get a Blue Scrren Of Death. I've pretty well tracked this down to Bittorrent, maybe the database/config/whatever isn't set up for this many torrents. I've tried resetting the TCP/IP stack, etc, to no avail. OK. No complaints.

I would like to dicivde my torrents between two machines. Move, say a certain "class" of torrent to one machine and leaving a different "class: of torrents to another. For example - "G" rated torrents to one, and "R" rated torrents to another computer .

Right now most G rated files are on one machine and the other files are on the original machine.

My question is, therefore, how do I transfer the appropriate torrent files to the G rated machine, and have Bittorrent recognize, check and then seed those completed torrens?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Clear Tracks Ahead,

-- Doc

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If you're getting a BSOD, it's NOT a configuration or database file problem, it's a system driver problem.

As for splitting the files, you need to do at least the removal of the torrents you're moving AND the moving of those files manually.

After the move, follow http://help.bittorrent.com/customer/portal/articles/1826055-how-do-i-migrate-torrents-from-another-client-to-bittorrent-?b_id=3884

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I'll not argue the BSOD issue, obviously something in my system is fighting BitTorrent - Could be related to the fact that I store the files on a USB connected drive. WHen BT is not running, no problem. I'm not blaming BitTorrent, it is after all, a Windows system .

I'm trying the instructions you kindly pointed out. However, With the files' (complete, as downloaded with BT) location known, I load the torrent which downloaded them, but the directions say "In µTorrent, click File > Add Torrent (no default save)". The "(no default save)" is not an obvious option in BT, it seems, and I can't seem to get the job done without BT wanting to download again. I've tried to point BT to the files' location, but it allocated space for new file (.bt!), and starts looking for peers. Check files is grayed out..

If you have a moment to help further, I'd be in your debt. This isn't my first rodeo with BT, but this one has me stymied.

Thanks again for your response,

-- Doc

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Hmmm. One would think. Unless I am back that 0 vs O and I vs 1 crap. I'll go to larger fonts and play with it some more.

Cleaned out some old crap and updated drivers, no BSD since, but it looks like my router may be barfing with too many connections. I've throttled back a bunch, let's see how that works.

Thanks for your input, thus far you have confirmed most of my deductions and more.

-- Doc

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  • 2 months later...

To Harold Felt...

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. JFTHOI I ran my motherboaard's scan routine which looks for drivers needing updating. Updated some divers and no problems! Who'da thunk it!

Thanks so much for you rtime, sorry about the late thankyou from me.


-- Doc

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