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BT connecting to seeds but not downloading


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Good day community,

I was hoping for some help from you guys, please.

My Bittorrent was working perfectly and AVG did an update. Now... nothing seems to be working. Please can you help me resolve this issue as I know you have answered many of these topics but none seem to be working for me.

Torrents are connecting and showing a health bar, also showing download progress. It shows that there are peers that it is connecting to. My d/l speed pops up every now and again to around 0.1 - 1.5kb/s then drops completely. I have uninstalled AVG completely, turned off windows defender, turned off firewall, allowed Bittorrent through, enabled and disabled encryption, changed file download location, uninstalled bittorrent and re-installed, changed the amount of connection from 1000 to 150 to 15 and back up again.


If you can assist me with this I'd really appreciate it.


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