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Transfer Cap not being respected - why?

Guest Tigerstrike_LC

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Guest Tigerstrike_LC

I simply want to know why the set Transfer Cap is not being respected by the program. This has happened before and i incurred an additional $80 dollars in ISP charges that month. My Tranfer Cap is currently set to 80GB for both download+upload. My total current usage history (which was reset by me at the begining of this billing cycle) is at 81.1GB and counting as uTorrent coninues to upload. Why? This is simply not right nor acceptible. I have a limited alowable bandwidth each cycle and simply cannot afford to to upload at all if this is going to cost me this much. I will have to simply download only unless I can resolve this issue. Thank you for your support.


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Guest Tigerstrike_LC

As staited in my original post, "(which was reset by me at the begining of this billing cycle)", therfore with 31 days in May, on May 12th (the beginning of my billing cycle) I reset it using the "reset" button to start counting from that day at 0GB and also set the time period to "previous 31 days". Now, only 14 days in to both the billing cycle and the reset counter, it continues after reaching and passing the set Tranfer Cap, instead of stopping. Btw, it has stopped in the past and set all downloads to "qued" status while it waited out the timer after reaching the then set Transfer Cap (the uploads seemed to be stopped then too). Flipant, not thought out replies are not useful.


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Guest Tigerstrike_LC

I should have called it the "Reset History" button. I can only assume this is to resart the days and Downloads+Uploads totals (as there is no other way apparent to reset the days count) as only the total shows as reset to 0GB. If the days do not reset as well, how can a person possibly know where one is in the Xdays selected? This would also seem to make the Transfer Cap a rather useless feature as opposed to the exceptional feature for which it appears to be created.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Tigerstrike_LC

Nothing else to say, eh? Figures. uTorrent had such a better reputation than that. Turns out it's just another piece of garbage after all. Thanks for nothing.

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