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Download & Upload speed keep dropping


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Hey.. I'm writing to ya'll guys because since I've got myself a new PC, a strange problem keeps happening to me. The download speeds seems to work like about 200kb/s then after about ten minutes or less, it progresivelly drops up to 0kb/s. It stay like this up to 3 minutes sometimes, than starts rising back. I don't know how to fix this problem, that's why I came to you,guys. The same problem happens with uTorrent but not when I download using Mozilla or other browsers. The most awful thing still is that whenever the torrent speed drops, the browser and the entire network seems to follow bittorent so I bassically can't surf on the 'net. If I really want to surf while downloading, I need to pause bittorent. When nothing is downloading, the problems stays off. I did not have this problem on my old PC. More I can say is the the PC is not using a network adapter, it bassically pumps internet dirrectly into the motherboard. My old PC had a network adapter. I don't know what to say more guys. If you need more details, write it on the thread and I'll provide.

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Also, in Bittorent, I've noticed the orange exclamation point thingy in the lower-right corner. I've clicked it, ran that test to see what's wrong and when it finished Bittorent suddently crashed. I opened it again and it seems to work. Besides, I've set the bandwidth allocation to normal(since it was on high before) and that seemed to make drops to happen more seldom, but it still happens though. Also I noticed that whenever the download speed starts dropping, the upload speed starts rising. When it puts back on its feet, the upload speed returns to normal. (D:~200kb/s U:~0.5kb/s)

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