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!FIX! topic needs clarification for this user

Green Lantern

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I have read a !FIX! for a problem that exists for users of BitTorrent if they specify directory locations other than the defaults originally setup by the BitTorrent installation. This is an excerpt quoted from !FIX! FOR MISSING FILES ~ upload and downloads... WHERE DID MY FILES GO? by member SOGLAD:

"*** Now trust me, I am NOT a expert by any means in these matters, but these random problems appear to begin when one sets DIRECTORIES to other directories instead of using the BitTorrent default directories.***

To make sure I gave myself every chance of fixing the problem I completely uninstalled BitTorrent and then did a fresh install LEAVING THE DEFAULT DIRECTORIES as is!

This has apparently resolved my problem because now BitTorrent finds all of my files consistently.

Again, I am confident this is just a random problem for only some Windows users and perhaps these problems only present with Windows 7 64-Bit users (like me)? And maybe other operating systems like XP or Vista are impacted as well? We can't be sure because all of us (including me) reporting similar problems here did not specify which version they were using."

Is it a coincidence that SOGLAD and myself are both

Windows 7 64-Bit users (like me)?
I would like some clarification for the following questions please.

1) Is this a problem that is only specific to users (like me and SOGLAD)? If yes, what is the specific issue involved and is it impossible to correct?

2) Could this problem be solved in a future release by reading an embedded tag within or an existing flag associated with the clent's opened torrent file that would allow the BitTorrent app to give the user the option of choosing to download (or not) the content associated with the torrent file if the default or specified location of that content is present and unmodified on the user's directory structure file system?

Any other solution suggestions? I believe some solution is needed to this problem even if it requires some sort of revision to a standard or subjection to a board review because it may save time and disk space on a client's system. It could also facilitate the efficient use of resources within the P2P File-sharing community.

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