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BSOD: Driver IRQL Not Less or Equal


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I get the blue screen of death "Driver IRQL not less or Equal" error when I try to torrent and only when torrenting. This occurs repeatedly with any sort of torrent or torrenting program. I have tried updating all my drivers. I had windows 7 before and I just updated to windows 8; the problem occurred before (ever since I first bought my laptop 1 year ago) and still occurs now.

I have uploaded and linked the minidump files here. Please help!



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  • 4 months later...

I have got the same issue. My OS is windows7 and i have been using microsoft security essentials. What should i do since this blue screen rell bugs me. Although a friend uses bit torrent with the same security essential from microsoft and he does not face this blue screen issue. If this security essential is causing the problem followed by mccafee and other such softwares, could you please recommend anyother anitvirus which should nt interrupt bit torrent and softwares like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use Symantec Corporate AV 10.2 on Win7 64-bit, and I've got no issues like this. But be aware those Driver IRQ not equal to crashes can be related to iffy chipset drivers, i.e. update them or sometimes downgrade them and let Windows own drivers do the work. Or at worst it can be an indication that the hard drive isn't happy, I've seen this message in the past and then not long afterwards the HDD has failed. It might be worth checking the drive for any bad sectors. Sometimes you might get an idea if the drive is iffy if you just run the Microsoft Defragging tool on it, i.e. if defragging cause a blue screen I'd be more concerned than if it doesn't.

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