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Newbie questions...


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Hey, y'all! I'm new to torrenting (obviously), and there are a few things that I noticed right away that I just flat-out don't understand. Under Help>Show Statistics, what do the second set of statistics mean? (# incoming conns, # outgoing conns, # handshakes, etc.). I've gotten 45,000+ "handshakes" in 9 hours... :huh:?

I'm running version 7.8.1.

Also, I'm not entirely sure what 'seeding' is exactly, but I've tried to keep my upload and download amount as close as I possibly can; also, I've left my uploading on even when the downloads were well past complete (upload speed is running around 600kB/s for each completed download).

Any help or explanation is very much appreciated; TIA!


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Seeding means sharing. Once your DL completes, your status changes from leech/peer to "seeder".

In the "options" dropdown be sure and select "show detailed info" F5. You can keep track of your seeding through the "info" and "peers" tabs on the "details" interface. Also you can manage your uploading "seeding" from there as well. You have 600kb/s to play with. You might want to split them up and spread them out amongst different torrents.

As for the other statistics, I never look at them, but if you got 45,000 handshakes, I would definitly be using anti-bacterial handsoap.

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Yep, scrubbing my hands... With Hibiclens! :D (hospital inside joke, sorry, LOL!)

As far as the upload speed, I had 5 "Popular HD" movies seeding concurrently at around 600kB/s each. I don't know how to allocate an upload amount to a specific torrent, so I'm assuming that it sort of "auto-allocates" where the seeding is needed?

Thanks so much for your reply! Any other info, tips, warnings, etc. you'd care to share with me about the whole torrent experience would be much appreciated. Have a lovely day!

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