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Slow Download Of Bittorrent From Dec To Jan


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My bitTorent downloads are fine and fast until I started to notice that the downloads were getting slow. It happened during the third week of December. The download is very slow. The down speed is 1.3 kb/s while the up speed is 9.9 kB/s. The usual speed when I'm downloading ranges from 100 kB/s to 200 kB/s.


Whenever I check speedtest.net, the results are:

Ping: 15 ms Download: 1.44Mbps Upload: 0.78Mbps


So I don't think that our connection or server is the problem. 


I thought that the problems are:

1. The seeds

2. Many people are downloading


But then, this slow download is still happening now which is unusual because it's already three weeks since this has happened. 


I've read in one of the forums here that there maybe a problem in the ISP. I don't know how to fix an ISP. Can someone please help me?


I really want to return the download speed of my bitTorrent.


Thank you! :)

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Hello, new to this forum.  Noticed a slow down as well.  Seems my firewall may have taken out my sickbeard as well by altering the host it workd in(have yet to solve that one-pissed).  So if this slow down is due to the provider, will this be a permanent problem or should we just wait this out?  The person that set up my system is no longer around, this is not easy to sort out!  Your advice would be most welcome...

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