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Why Rss Feeds Are Limited To The Latest 60 Articles? (Mac Os X)


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How many entries does your RSS feed actually have in it?


In VUSE torrent client I have the same RSS Feed subscription and it have Thousands of entries because it is not limited, plus I can see a column for  FILE DOWNLOAD SIZE and NUMBER OF SEEDS in the RSS Feeds and I can't do this in BitTorrent. RSS Feeds is useless in BitTorrent if I can't see how many seeds are available and how big the files are with limited to a max of 60 entries. Any solutions to this?, because I would like to delete VUSE from my computer and use only BitTorrent.

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That doesn't actually answer my question.

Maybe 60 are the newst entries but somehow VUSE keep thousands of them and this is what I really need because for sure the site have thousands of torrents. I am not sure how VUSE accomplish this, maybe it just don't delete old one and this is good because it still have torrents in the old RSS entries too.

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