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Download Stuck For 3 Days


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For the last 3 days, a file I am downloading has remained unchanged at 33.2%, 63 kb, and an ETA of  6 hours and 21 minutes. Obviously, the download isn't actually occurring or else it would be complete by now. Other downloads have been completed normally. So the issue is with this file. It includes a video in several formats. The percentage is nearly the same for each. But they are not changing despite  the fairly high speed indicated. Do I have any options other than giving up and trashing this file?


                                                                                                                           --- Joe ---

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The file suddenly sped up for less than an hour yesterday, reaching 79.9%. But now it has been stuck there with a download speed of 8.7 kbs. The availability is 11.773. Have no idea what this indicates.  I tried to download the video file (not torrent) directly from archive.org , but the download failed midway through. So maybe the file is bad.


Even more frustrating is a different torrent, which is stuck at 99.9%, flashing back and forth with 5 or 6 seconds to go since last night.  The supposed download speed is 92.6 kbs. Availability is 6.283.


Have been using Bittorrent for 5 years and never had this problem before.


                                                                                                                                                           --- Joe ---

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