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NetBalancer and BitTorrent


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After I updated NetBalancer and/or BitTorrent last time BitTorrent isn't able to download or upload files. As soon as I stop the NetBalancer service it works. If BitTorrent is running the NetBalancer service isn't able to start.

Anyone know of this problem? Is this something added to BitTorrent so that it isn't possible to "fool" it into believing you run on full rate? I NEED NetBalancer to control the upload speed as it's only about 700kbps (no fiber and closest central about 1.000 meters away gives me 13mbps/700kbps).



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I have been thinking about this, but it sounds illogical. Why should NetBalancer have a problem with BitTorrent and nothing else. I've been wondering if theres a conflict between services, maybe some dependencies, but I don't know if BitTorrent uses sevices.

Can you, or someone else, test this out? NetBalancer has a 14 day free trial periode.

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