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I have recently downloaded BitTorrent as uTorrent stopped working for me. However, I have realised that Bit Torrent does not work either.

I downloaded a file yesterday, so I'm not sure why neither torrent client is working.

I am using a VPN in China, but that has never been a problem for me in the past.

My Internet did go down the day before yesterday, and I had to restart my router, but now the Internet is working fine. I'm not very good with the technical side of things, so is there something I need to do to my Internet connection or set up to make things work again? I am on a Mac using wireless Internet as the connection cable does not work if I plug it into my Mac (but that's been a problem since I started using the Internet here, so I don't think wifi is an issue).

Any help or advice on how to resolve this problem would be greatly appreciated.




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