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"tracker Reply Has No Peers Field". Torrents Won't Download. Please Help.


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I've never had this problem before and I've been using torrents for a while. For the past few days, none of the torrents I've tried have been downloading. When I checked in the trackers tab, the status is "Tracker reply has no peers field". I haven't changed any settings at all. This happened across multiple torrents. How can I fix this? I have switched ISP's lately, but it's been a while and this problem only started a few days ago. What could be the problem? Please help.

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Does the problem persist with torrents from http://slackware.com/getslack/torrents.php ?


No, but the torrent's "pieces" bar has a large number of red bars in it and it won't download those parts, and so less than 50% of the file gets downloaded and it won't continue past this point. I've had this problem with nearly all of the minority of the torrents that can actually get peers.


EDIT: Actually, in the case of the link you provided, the entire pieces bar is red and it won't download any of it. The tracker is said to be "offline (timed out)". I've updated the tracker many times, but no dice.

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