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Memory leak (unable to allocate -lots- bytes in Windows


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I try to create a torrent which is no problem normally. This one is. Maybe it's because there are a lot of sub-directories. Anyway, normally Bittorrent uses like 110MB while creating this torrent the memory use seems to grow exponentinal and the latest number before crashing is 1.3GB of memory use. It says it wants to reserve another 33GB and I've only got 24GB ;)

I attached the dump file and if it went well there should be some error reports send by bittorrent as well. If there is a beta I can try using the same files let me know and I'll test it. Or if there is something else I can try I'm happy to hear. For me this seems like a big memory leak (bug) and don't think settings will change anything for now.

I'm running Windows 10 build 15063.296 and like I said, have 24GB of memory.

Keep up the good work!




I found out there were Russian symbols as folder name (Новая папка) and an extended dash symbol. I removed these but still same problem

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Aha, so it's a feature. But thanks for the advice, I used NB TorrentCreator which used >20MB memory and is one .exe of 350kB and that did the trick. Odd BitTorrent is not capable of doing the same as well uTorrent.

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