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BitTorrent BSOD (possible conflict with antivirus)


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Hey, I've been successfully using BitTorrent for almost a year without a single mishap however since I've switched to Avast Antivirus I have been getting a BSOD between 2-10 minutes after I begin a download on either BitTorrent itself or uTorrent.

I was simply wondering whether it's possible for these two programs to conflict in a way to cause this Blue screen.

Hopefully I'll get a response soon

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Is this the info u need?

072113-35365-01.dmp 21/07/2013 13:51:09 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL 0x000000d1 00000000`00000028 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 fffff880`0194a6fd NETIO.SYS NETIO.SYS+106fd Network I/O Subsystem Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation 6.1.7601.17939 (win7sp1_gdr.120822-0331) x64 ntoskrnl.exe+75c00 C:\Windows\Minidump\072113-35365-01.dmp 4 15 7601 296,104 21/07/2013 13:52:59

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Hi everybody.

I've the same exact problem as megustamaniac, with the same BSOD content.

It happens with both BitTottent and uTorrent. I'd been using them for a couple of years without any problem, now it's two days i get a BSOD after 2/3 minutes i'm running them.

I've Kaspersky Pure antivirus and firewall on my PC and I upgraded it from version 2.0 to 3.0 just before the problem with BitTottent came out so I suppose Kaspersky has something to do with it.

I'd like to know if anyone has this kind of problem with Kaspersky.

- Tried stopping the Kaspersky antivirus/firewall (but not unistalling it) and nothing changes. BSOD comes in less than a minute. Maybe stopping Kaspersky is not enough?

- Updated drivers for the network adapter (Realtek RTL8188CE) to the last version from Realtek website: 2007.12.419.2013. Nothing changes. BSOD in less than a minute. Maybe is not a driver issue?

I really don't know what to do, i'm going to try some other torrent client just to see if i get the same behavior. Anyway, I'd like to solve the problem and go on with BitTorrent or uTorrent

Any ideas appreciated.

thank you all

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